Get prepared for risks and opportunities that new technologies bring to your company

A new era is beginning. Just as this new beginning era is changing and transforming every field, it is changing the business world, sectors, companies and perspectives for doing business. 

As in all new eras, this new era has transforming human needs, scientific and technological inventions. 

It has transformative and pioneer sectors. Like digital technology sector.

It has emulated companies, which are lighthouses to those who get lost in “red oceans”, and which are role models and pioneers to those who come behind: Like Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Samsung.
There are old era’s giant companies whose names were sunk into oblivion and which were devastated by new era’s pioneers and revolutionaries. Like Raks in Turkey and Kodak, Motorola, Nokia, MySpace in the world.
There are old times’ popular products which are even not known by new generations: Like cassette, walkman, mp3 player, telephone directory, encyclopedia, PDA, pager.  

Disruption is now everywhere, in every sector. Now disruption can come in unexpected time from the most unexpected company. Disruption can come not only from your competitors but also from potential competitors or from adjacent sectors or even from very different sectors. 

Disruption does not come only from new technologies such as internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data and augmented reality. It also comes from business model, product and service innovations which are supported by new technologies. With the support of new technologies, a coffee machine producer can turn into a coffee machine lease company or even into a service and customer information provider and beat its competitors.       

So, what is this “disruption” anyway? Who are these disruptive companies? What is to be done against the question and fear of “What do the ones, who beat giants, do us?” Can you protect yourself from disruption? Can you stand against disruption? Can you feel and understand the disruption ahead of time? Can you turn disruption into an opportunity? Most importantly, CAN YOU DEVELOP A DISRUPTIVE BUSINESS MODEL, PRODUCT OR SERVICE?

Our Disruptive Technology Risks and Opportunities Sensor service package helps you find answers to above questions. In as short as two weeks; 

1.    You will see where your company is with respect to new era and how prepared it is for the new era. You will identify its deficiencies and fragilities 

2.    You will better grasp your current strategy/business model and learn its risks and inconsistencies (if any) 

3.    Other than the competitors and potential competitors you know, you will be able to forecast your new competitors from whom danger, threat, and even disruption may come and you will be able to express an opinion about them

4.    From among your competitors and potential competitors you will identify alternative strategy/business models, and game changer companies which have alternative strategy/business models powered by digital technologies

5.    You will have information about your competitors’ and potential competitors’ moves that pose or could pose a threat with the support of digital technologies 

6.    Alternative to your company strategy/business model, you will begin to develop new strategy and business models which are powered by digital technologies

7.    You will meet with digital project opportunities that will prevent your company from disruption and help you accelerate in the direction of becoming a disruptive company 

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