We develop your sales and marketing organization, system and team, and
increase your sales and profitability
Acquiring New Customers in B2B companies

Acquiring new customers is always the main function of a business. Acquiring new customers in B2B companies is always more difficult than in B2C companies and requires more advanced organizations, systems and teams. As Philip Kotler said, the effective driving force in B2B marketing is the sales force and the sales machine must be designed correctly, the right teams must be selected, trained, motivated and equipped with the right systems with the help of new technologies.

We make it easy, we design your sales organization, process and systems, and develop your team for you to gain new customers.

Finding Potential Customers in B2B Companies 
If the most important step in acquiring new customers in B2B companies is to understand that this is a step-by-step process, the most important step in this new customer acquisition process is to find potential customers. While the methods of finding potential customers have increased with the development of technology, it has become more important than ever to create the right method mix in line with the wisdom, and to apply it consistently, carefully and integrated fashion. We now know that there is no single most effective recipe that fits every company. It is not at all about the newest and most technological of the methods. Although trade fairs and industry events date back hundreds of years, if well thought out and managed, they still remain the most effective ways to find leads in B2B companies. Email marketing and cold calling, though relatively new methods based on technology, have now lost their effectiveness. If digital marketing is not managed properly, it turns into a money burning machine with lots of views, lots of clicks, but short average engagement time and little real conversion. On the other hand, properly managed LinkedIn and Google Adwords campaigns can turn into the two star-methods, which are the last to enter the list of the most effective lead finding methods in B2B companies.

We help you design the right mix of methods to find potential customers. With our experience of more than twenty years, we always stand by you, not only in the design process, but also in the application and finding potential customers. We are even able to design and execute these processes on your behalf. 

Sales Channel Development 
Companies that know that their growth with the direct sales model has reached a limit and, in order to grow again, it is necessary to switch to an indirect sales model or a hybrid model, are faced with a process as difficult as converting their religion. The advantages of the indirect sales model such as reaching customers that could not be reached until then, inherent trust and efficiency are known, but decreasing profits, increasing conflicts and brand risks create serious resistance in the process. Once you overcome this internal resistance, you face the actual difficulties of establishing a sales channel from scratch.

We support you in overcoming the internal resistance you will experience in the transition to the indirect sales model and in establishing a sales channel from scratch. We stand by you in determining the channel strategy, creating and forming the team, establishing and executing the channel development mechanism.

Digital Marketing in B2B Companies 
Digital marketing is not a magic wand that enables every company it touches to find potential customers at low costs and gain new customers. If not managed properly, digital marketing can turn into a money burning machine with lots of views, lots of clicks but short average engagement time and a few real conversion. On the other hand, well-managed LinkedIn and Google Adwords campaigns can also turn into the most effective leads finding methods in B2B companies. Digital marketing agencies and experts, on the other hand, are mostly B2C originated and lack the experience to understand the B2B world and your company's business model and marketing strategy.

We support you in the creation and implementation of your digital marketing strategy and campaigns, and in selection and management of your agency.

Product and service innovation
In a world where innovation and disruption are so fast, it becomes a necessity to do product / service development correctly and to do it continuously. For this purpose, we support you both in product / service innovation works in the short term and in the establishment of new approaches in your company such as product management, designer thinking, and cross-functional agile product / service development teams in the medium term.
Developing a go-to-market plan
A go-to-market plan is the arrangement of the company's resources, especially the sales team and distribution channel, in order to match the needs and problems of the market with the products and services developed to meet the needs of the market and to solve its problems and to gain competitive advantage. Together with you, we identify the needs and problems of your target market, and align your resources again to match the unique value proposition of your products and services.
Development and implementation of sales and marketing organization
We develop the sales and marketing organization responsible for critical processes such as determining the value, innovating the value and conveying the value to the target audience in line with the changing conditions of the new era and we adapt it to the needs of the market.
Development and implementation of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system
Relationship management with your customers is now a critical component of your business model. By managing the interactions of your customers and potential customers with your company, your products and services, we help you establish the approach of acquiring new customers and deepening within existing customers in your company. We are strengthening your understanding of customer relationship management with new technologies such as big data and data analytics.
Development and implementation of sales follow-up system
If you only need sales follow-up among the customer relationship management processes, we support the establishment of a simple system to effectively manage your processes when your potential customers turn into customers and your offers into sales.
Development and implementation of premium system of sales team
Harmonizing the motivation of the company with the motivation of the sales team, which assumes a critical task of converting the value you produce in your entire value network into cash, is of vital importance in meeting sales targets, blowing quotas, and igniting growth. We offer our deep experience in the development and implementation of a simple, effective, sustainable, and most importantly tailored to you bonus system for you.
Development of Pipe-line management system
The sales process consists of repetitive sequential steps from determining potential customers to closing the sale. Success in sales requires a well-structured and managed sales process. Likewise, managing the sales process correctly requires to establish and manage the sales pipe-line management system correctly. The pipe-line is a visual representation of each phase of the sales process, allowing you to easily see where your sales opportunity is in the process and predict your future sales.We support you to develop a more effective and predictable sales process.
Potential customer targeting and customer-seller matching
We assist you in the process of targeting the right potential customers and matching the right number of potential customers with the sellers in the right profiles.
Development of Key Account Management System
In many companies, 80% of sales come from 20% of customers. In some companies, 20% of the customers correspond to a small number of customers. Correct management of these few and critically important customers has a huge impact on sales and company success. We support you in identifying your key customers and key people in your key customers and establishing a system where the management of these customers / persons is not left to the sales department only.
Development of big project/tender follow-up system
In a way, every sale is a project. However, some projects have a large share in the company's annual sales. In fact, to take or not to take some is synonymous with to be or not to be. The follow-up of these projects cannot be managed within the same system as the follow-up of any project. We present you the systemized form of big project / tender follow-up art.
Mentoring sales managers
No matter how many systems you set up, no matter how much process you improve, sales success is not independent of people. Especially if the person in question is the sales manager, he/she is the indispensable for sales success, the captain of the sales mind in the field, the spirit of the sales team, the engine of the sales process and system. In this sense, the sales manager is the sales success. We support your sales manager for your sales success.
Corporate communication in B2B companies
Corporate communication is important for all companies, but in the businesses that go from company to company, corporate communication is much more effective in attracting customers, talents, business partners, resources and assets required for your company's success. Skillfully managed corporate communication brings your potential customers, rare talents, powerful business partners to your door; it brings you new business opportunities from your entire value network, especially your customers and business partners; it makes you buy at lower prices than competitors, sell at higher prices. We support you in transitioning to a sales, growth and profit-centered corporate communication approach beyond cost-oriented corporate communication such as Christmas baskets, corporate advertising and corporate social responsibility projects.
Discovery and implementation of "asymmetric marketing battles"
If you are doing business around here, you must discover a way to deal with opponents that are much larger than you, with much more resources than you, with limited possibilities and resources. For centuries, asymmetric battles, formulated on the model of the successful struggle of the Spaniards against Napoleon, have been a way for powers with limited resources to challenge forces of unlimited resources. If you have not yet created a "Blue Ocean" beyond competition and will challenge the giants with your limited resources in the "Red Oceans", we put our minds and experiences at your disposal during the discovery and implementation of "asymmetric marketing battles".