With our expertise in strategy, growth and transformation, with our team with unmatched experience in the technology industry and with our strong local, regional and global network, we are enhancing value in technology companies.

Some of our value enhancement tools and efforts are listed below:

Review of key clients
We analyze your key clients and understand how important they are to your company and company value. In many companies, the prospect of losing these few large customers can deeply risk the business and the value of the company. For this reason, we prepare emergency plans and add value to the company by providing a more balanced distribution of sales.
Improving Sales and Marketing
We analyze your sales and marketing system, and make suggestions for revenue-increasing and cost-reducing improvements. Upon your request, we support the implementation of the suggestions you have adopted. We offer value-increasing tools ranging from digital marketing to finding new potential customers, from the establishment of the customer relationship management system to the development of the channel structure, from the development of the sales and marketing organization to the establishment of a new incentive system for the sales team.

Explore our sales and marketing development tools
Medium-term plans to enhance value
The purpose of our mid-term value enhancement plans is to give specific tactics to business owners, who are considering selling their companies in the future, to improve the valuation of the company within 12 months. These tactics lead to lowering costs, increasing sales, improving margins, increasing stock turnover, clearing stocks and debts. With these tactics, our ultimate goal is not to improve operations, but to increase the company's value in the medium term.
Strategic growth options (new markets, new products)
Together with you, we review opportunities to enter new markets and launch new products, helping your company reach its full potential and therefore its full value.
Determination of mission critical roles and repositioning if necessary
Identifying critical roles in the organization of the company and, the replacement of talents in these roles, if necessary, can be an important value-enhancing intervention in technology companies. Hiring the right people in mission-critical roles multiplies business performance and helps increase value.
Business and product portfolio analysis
The disposal of unprofitable businesses or products / services significantly increases the value of the company. With portfolio analysis, we identify unprofitable businesses, products, services and help you dispose of them.
Cost reduction
We analyze where costs occur and how they can be reduced and we propose cost-cutting tools. Of all the tools we use to reduce costs, we rely the most on business and product simplification. We provide business and product simplification with value network analysis and portfolio analysis methods. We help to reducing costs by disposing of businesses and products that have turned into loss centers from the profit center. By reducing cost, we help you keep the cash inside hence increase the value of your company.
Current business model development
We renew the value propositions you present to each of your key stakeholders, align your key assets, resources, and capabilities with these renewed value propositions, thereby improving and making your business with growth potential more valuable.
New business model innovation
If the growth potential of your current business is limited, we increase the value of your company by innovating new business models together with you. To do this, we redefine your customers, deeply understand your customers' new needs and original needs, and develop new value proposition to meet their unsatisfied needs. We align the value propositions offered to other key stakeholders and each other component of the business model according to this new value proposition presented to your customer.
Objectives and key results
We adapt Peter Drucker's concept of goals and management to the rapidly changing and people-oriented business world of the new era. Beyond rewards and penalties, we use goals and key results to multiply company value.
Recommendations for new complementary mergers and acquisitions
Sometimes when the buyer side is monitoring for their target companies, we find that all of the short- listed companies lack components that will take time to develop: customer portfolio, necessary capabilities, sales or distribution channels, successful management team, etc. In such cases, we propose a new complementary merger or acquisition to help the company reach its full potential value.

In some other cases, value gain can be achieved by combining two or more target companies, each with a different superior point. In such cases, we provide investors with merger proposals and plans, helping investors get the most value from the merged company.