In the new era, the difficult transformation task of the company management is almost the same as the racing driver who has to develop and install a new engine in the middle of the race, without slowing down and without entering the pitstop, in foggy weather.

How do we assist you in this challenging transformation task? First of all, we simplify your work and reduce your costs. Then, we develop your businesses with growth potential and, if necessary, innovate new business models. We implement your new business models with successive "blitzkrieg" in which a small number of "asymmetric battles" are initiated and carried out.

In line with our transformation approach, we position our transformation solutions around three basic questions:

1. How do I reduce costs?

Portfolio Analysis
With our “Portfolio Analysis” solution, we clarify which of your businesses and which products / services do not have a growth potential and your geographies that do not have growth potential. And we offer our recommendations for the liquidation or disposal of these businesses. In line with the decisions taken, we assist in the disposal of businesses that do not have growth potential.

2. How do I transform?

After the portfolio analysis, your businesses that did not have growth potential were liquidated or disposed of. The first phase of the transformation has been completed. Then, in the second phase, it comes to developing your existing businesses with growth potential and to innovate new business models if necessary.

Current Business Model Development
Our Current Business Model Development solution enhances your existing business with growth potential. The job begins by revising the value proposition you offer to each of your key stakeholders. Your key assets, resources and capabilities are aligned with renewed value propositions.
New Business Model Innovation
If it is thought that renewal will be insufficient in the current business model for transformation, we go ahead to innovate the new business model. To do this, we start by revealing the yet unsatisfied needs of the customers. We continue with developing a new value proposition that will meet insufficiently satisfied needs and solve their problems. We align the value propositions offered to other key stakeholders and each other component of the business model against this new value proposition presented to your customer.

3. Which tools should be used for transformation?

Transformation Implementation Tools Analysis
When the answer to the question of how to transform becomes clear, it is time to use tools for transformation. At this point, we perform the "Transformation Tools Analysis". As a result of the analysis, you will encounter our transformation tool alternatives recommendations. Our instrument alternatives may be one or more of the following:

Business Development tools
Sales and Marketing development tools
Determination and repositioning of mission critical roles
Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
Objectives and key results
Determination, Prioritization and Execution of Implementation Projects
Most of the time, projects that will realize the transformation appear within the company. We assist in identifying these projects that appear within the company, developing new ones, prioritizing within the project pool and conducting prioritized projects.